Conference Program Advertising
Recently the CMC-South Board approved, on a trial and limited basis, the inclusion of ads in our conference program for 2012. We anticipate printing and distributing about 2500 copies of the 64-page program booklet, one for each conference attendee. We served 2300 registered participants in 2010 and in 2011. Exhibitors who have purchased one or more booths are eligible to submit ads that meet the board-approved criteria.
All ads will be considered for inclusion in the conference program booklet based on eligibility criteria (see below) and available space. The due date for all advertising for the 2012 program booklet is September 29, 2012. Ads submitted must be prepared for publication by the submitting agent. Send, as attachments, your proposed and print-ready advertisement to our volunteer contacts:
Nitza Peraza: [email protected]
Annette Kitagawa: [email protected]
The general guidelines for approval include:
● CMC reserves the right not to publish any advertising copy submitted within its sole and absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever.
● Advertising must not be misleading or offensive to members, inconsistent with the programs and purposes/mission of CMC, or in competition or conflict with CMC-
sponsored programs or events.
● Advertising space will be limited in total quantity to no more than 15% of the area of the printed conference programs (applies to percent of space per page in any electronic communication and/or websites, when these forums are available for the sale of advertisements from approved vendors)
● Advertising copy that, in the judgment of CMC, offers services/products that are most in support of the conference theme may be given priority over advertising copy that does not directly address members’ professional learning and practice in that arena.
● Advertising does not promote nor endorse candidates for any political office.
● Advertising does not promote alcohol, tobacco, or gaming establishments.
● A sliding scale for advertisements allows non-profit organizations serving mathematics education a reduced advertising rate.
● All advertising carries the disclaimer: “CMC does not endorse or approve programs. This information is provided only for your perusal as you investigate services, products, issues and concerns you may have with regard to mathematics education.”
The following pricing structure was approved for 2012:
All ads will be considered for inclusion in the conference program booklet based on eligibility criteria (see below) and available space. The due date for all advertising for the 2012 program booklet is September 29, 2012. Ads submitted must be prepared for publication by the submitting agent. Send, as attachments, your proposed and print-ready advertisement to our volunteer contacts:
Nitza Peraza: [email protected]
Annette Kitagawa: [email protected]
The general guidelines for approval include:
● CMC reserves the right not to publish any advertising copy submitted within its sole and absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever.
● Advertising must not be misleading or offensive to members, inconsistent with the programs and purposes/mission of CMC, or in competition or conflict with CMC-
sponsored programs or events.
● Advertising space will be limited in total quantity to no more than 15% of the area of the printed conference programs (applies to percent of space per page in any electronic communication and/or websites, when these forums are available for the sale of advertisements from approved vendors)
● Advertising copy that, in the judgment of CMC, offers services/products that are most in support of the conference theme may be given priority over advertising copy that does not directly address members’ professional learning and practice in that arena.
● Advertising does not promote nor endorse candidates for any political office.
● Advertising does not promote alcohol, tobacco, or gaming establishments.
● A sliding scale for advertisements allows non-profit organizations serving mathematics education a reduced advertising rate.
● All advertising carries the disclaimer: “CMC does not endorse or approve programs. This information is provided only for your perusal as you investigate services, products, issues and concerns you may have with regard to mathematics education.”
The following pricing structure was approved for 2012: