Myth or Fact? Become informed about the Common Core State Standards:
NCTM Illuminations offers a short video to address questions, myths and facts about Common Core mathematics standards, and a online forum on for teachers to share how they are transitioning to Common Core,
See examples of practical tools for the classroom, to make Common Core learning a reality for English learners:
Region XI California Math Network also provides Spanish and Chinese language versions of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, to support outreach to families and to engage students beginning to learn English.
See examples of practical tools for the classroom, to make Common Core learning a reality for English learners:
Region XI California Math Network also provides Spanish and Chinese language versions of the Standards for Mathematical Practice, to support outreach to families and to engage students beginning to learn English.
Check out valuable Common Core Resources, recommended by CMC leaders!

Learn about the content standardsCalifornia's State Board of Education adopted the "CaCCSS-M" (California Common Core State Standards for Mathematics) on August 2, 2010. To better understand the content standards that California adopted, see CDE site below and also the "Illustrative Mathematics Project."
TIP: Learn by doing: sign up to serve as a reviewer of sample tasks on the Illustrative website. Read these tasks in tandem with Progressions documents. |
Learn about the practice standardsCommon Core's eight (8) "Standards for Mathematical Practice" describe ways students engage with the content standards throughout grades K-12. California adopted all eight of the standards, for every grade level, found at the national Common Core website.
Spanish and Chinese language versions of the Standards for Mathematical Practice are now available, through the Region XI (Los Angeles) California Math Network committee. TIP: Mathematical Practices will be assessed alongside content standards in Common Core, including optional performance tasks under development for grades 9, 10. |
Learn about the aligned assessmentsTake a Smarter Balanced practice test!
Simply sign in and select a grade level, at: Learn how Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium describes the various levels of student performance and proficiency. Review the initial "Achievement Level Descriptors" document from SBAC. Get familiar with the type of Common Core-aligned math tasks that "Smarter Balanced" (SBAC) math assessments will use (grades 3-8 & 11), and the claims, rationales, targets, evidence, and reporting categories, at: TIP: SBAC email updates at the CDE website: |

More CaCCSSM Resources: for Math Educator Learning, Resources; Families

For more Common Core mathematics education resources, see the CMC State website.
Notice the California Department of Education website on Common Core shares many resources (including some on iTunes), and includes information as to the Supplemental Instructional Materials approved by the State Board of Education this November, 2012.
Look forward to Winter/Spring, 2013 opportunities to give input to the draft Mathematics Framework aligned to Common Core.
Notice the California Department of Education website on Common Core shares many resources (including some on iTunes), and includes information as to the Supplemental Instructional Materials approved by the State Board of Education this November, 2012.
Look forward to Winter/Spring, 2013 opportunities to give input to the draft Mathematics Framework aligned to Common Core.