How to Increase the Likelihood Your Proposal is Accepted
The Program Committee will review hundreds of proposals to build a balanced program that meets the various needs of teachers of mathematics.
The theme, Common Core Mathematics: Launching the Transformation, expects that we as a conference provide for teachers some answers to the following questions:
• What does Common Core Mathematics look like in the classroom?
A speaker might provide:
- Video examples that demonstrate how the Standards for Mathematical Practice are incorporated in the classroom
- Sample lessons that imbed the Standards for Mathematical Practice with the presenter illustrating/demonstrating ways to implement
- Exemplars showing or explaining how deep understanding of content standards is developed
• How do I adjust or enhance my teaching?
A speaker might address:
- Teachers need a repertoire of teaching strategies that align with the mathematical practices in the CCSS
- Teachers need strategies that go beyond gimmicks and mnemonics and deepen students' understanding of the Big Ideas.
- Teachers need experience with technology tools to enhance student understanding
- Teachers need awareness of the learning needs of ALL students and strategies to address those needs
- Teachers need content knowledge to deepen their own understanding of CCSS mathematics that is new or unfamiliar.
• Where do I find resources to transform learning in the classroom?
A speaker might show, demonstrate, provide or engage participants:
- Print, internet, video, and people resources.
- Technology to support classroom instruction and student understanding
- Web sites and networks for sharing resources