A Collective Journey to Understanding Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education
CMC-South and members of the Mathematics Education Community dedicated a year to building our collective knowledge and understanding of topics and issues related to Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics.
Every month there were new readings to discuss with focus questions for reflection.
This is a great place to start your our your community's journey to Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education!
Every month there were new readings to discuss with focus questions for reflection.
This is a great place to start your our your community's journey to Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education!
Contributing Organizations & Educators
Focus Questions for the Year
Book Reflection QuestionsHow might teachers begin to teach mathematics for social justice? How might teacher educators begin to teach teachers how to teach mathematics for social justice?
How might teaching mathematics for social justice "look like?" How can mathematics be re-envisioned as a means to create a more socially just world? |
The readings for September are the position papers on Equity and/or Social Justice by AMTE, NCSM/TODOS and NCTM
September Reflection QuestionsWhat are some common understandings amongst the three position paper?
What are the pathways and roadblocks to facilitating professional conversations and actions discussed in this position paper? The reading for October is the TODOS TEEM 7 Special Issue: Mathematics Education Through the Lens of Social Justice Journal.
October Reflection QuestionsHow do we change the paradigm of what mathematics is and how it should be learned from its current institutional form to one that utilizes the mathematics of people and their communities and ties mathematics to the world?
Which of the examples of social justice and mathematics tasks enacted with students that were written about in this journal most resonates with you? Why? The reading for November is book The Impact of Identity in K-8 Mathematics: Rethinking Equity-Based Practices by Julia Aguirre, Karen Mayfield-Ingram, Danny Martin
November Reflection QuestionsWhat are equitable instructional practices that support the development of students' mathematical identity and sense of agency?
How can we advocate for the implementation of these practices? What are equitable instructional practices that support the development of students' mathematical identity and sense of agency?
How can we advocate for the implementation of these practices? The reading for December are 3-articles in the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (JUME)
December Reflection QuestionsHow might the larger mathematics education community achieve a "both—and" approach?
How might the larger mathematics education community begin to respect the different perspectives of doing science employed when rigorously examining the critical issues of “diversity” and “equity” in mathematics education research? The reading for January is Beyond Banneker: Black Mathematicians and the Paths to Excellence by Erica N. Walker
January Reflection QuestionsWhat is the nature of the path for developing mathematics education excellence and scholarship?
What challenges do we face and what changes might mitigate them? The reading for February are 2-papers
February Reflection QuestionsThe “pipeline” model for STEM diversity is at best like oil production, taking kids out of their low-income communities for use elsewhere. What alternative models might be available?
How does statistics inform questions of equity and justice? How do concepts of equity and justice in turn create rich vehicles for teaching concepts of statistics? |
The reading for March is a paper titled Women 1.5 Times More Likely to Leave STEM Pipeline after Calculus Compared to Men: Lack of Mathematical Confidence a Potential Culprit
March Reflection QuestionsWhat role can mathematics teacher educators play in developing and strengthening K-12 girls' mathematics confidence and identity?
What are effective instructional practices that support the development of girls' mathematical confidence, identity and sense of agency? (Note: This is a sub-set "focus" of NCTM's emphasis) The reading for April is Chapter 16: How Do I Learn to Like This Child So I Can Teach Him Mathematics, The Case of Rebecca in the book Cases for mathematics teacher educators: Facilitating conversations about inequities in mathematics classrooms by D.Y. White, S. Crespo & M. Civil
April Reflection QuestionsHow would you support the teacher in addressing her negative views about the student and his mother?
In what ways did the case and commentary authors’ suggestions help you think about the equity-related dilemmas you face in your own work? The reading for May is the book Excellence Through Equity: Five Principles of Courageous Leadership to Guide Achievement for Every Student by A. Blankstein and P. Noguera
May Reflection QuestionsWhat are the five principles of courageous leadership to guide achievement for every student discussed by these authors?
How does your organization’s vision reflect the five components of courageous leadership? What can we do together to make visible these components? The reading for June is the book For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood... and the Rest of Y'all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban
Education by Christopher Emdin June Reflection QuestionsWhat are ways teachers can gain access to community resources (human & material)?
How can we make sense of this for mathematics teaching and learning? The reading for July is the book Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice: Conversations with Educators by A. Wager and D.W. Stinson
July Reflection QuestionsHow might teachers begin to teach mathematics for social justice? How might teacher educators begin to teach teachers how to teach mathematics for social justice?
How might teaching mathematics for social justice "look like?" How can mathematics be re-envisioned as a means to create a more socially just world? The readings for August are:
August Reflection QuestionsWhom do we shepherd towards taking more math courses and who do we discourage and why?
What role does mathematics play in human flourishing and how can we talk about it in our various roles? What actions can we take as individuals, in our home communities, and in our scholarly communities to begin “Genuine Equity Work in Mathematics?” |
TODOS is a CMC-South Partner Orgnaization
TODOS: Mathematics for ALL is an international professional organization that advocates for equity and excellence in mathematics education for ALL students - in particular, Latina/o students. TODOS advances educators' knowledge, develops and supports education leaders, generates and disseminates knowledge, informs the public, influences educational policies, and informs families about education policies and learning strategies. All of these goals ultimately result in providing access to high quality and rigorous mathematics for ALL students.